Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Starting a BSL Project.

Today I am going to start my BSL project. I've never done anything like this, so my main goal for this one is going to be self-education. I know a little bit about BSL, but as far as specifics and BSL's history, I'm a bit new. So hopefully by doing this project, I will be able to feel more comfortable talking about BSL, and feel more confident when explaining it to other people.

Other Goals:
Find out when BSL on Pit Bulls really started and what set it into motion.
Research the cost and effectiveness of BSL in area that have already enforced it, and still have it.
Research reasons why certain areas have repealed their BSL, and how their BSL affected severe dog bite statistics.
Show people who do not own breeds affected by BSL how these laws can directly affect them.
And... I'm sure a few other topics will come up in the process.

So! This is where I'm at momentarily, and I hope to update about the progress weekly.
If you have any ideas, or would like to maybe help out, I would appreciate it very much!

You can comment on this, or Email Me.

Thanks Everyone!

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